Friday, January 25, 2008

Disable full screen video on Dual monitor setup

I was recently trying to debug an application that hosts a windows media player control and I wanted the application to run full screen on my primary display with my Visual Studio IDE on the secondary display. Annoyingly, although the application appeared on my primary display as expected, the secondary display had a full screen video output. There appears to be nothing in the media player API to prevent this. It turns out that you need to change your driver display settings to prevent this. These settings are driver specific, for mine I needed to do:
  1. Bring up display properties from control panel
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Advanced
  4. Click Quadro NVS 120 M (Nvidia specific)
  5. Click Start NVidia control panel
  6. Click Video and Television
  7. Click Modify full screen options
  8. Set "When watching video content" to Only show it in my viewing application

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Soap Extensions in web forms client

On my current project, I need to consume a web service from a Windows Client, the web service is decorated with a custom attribute on the server side that causes the SOAP message to be compressed, this code was written by another developer but I think he got it from here. In order to uncompress it on the client, I needed to reference the assembly that contained the SoapExtension in my client and add the following section to the app.config:




<add type="myCompany.myProject.WebServices.SoapExtensions.CompressionExtension,myCompany.myProject.CompressionExtensionLib"

priority="3" group="High" />




The first part of the type is the fully qualified class name, the second part is the namespace.