Thursday, August 07, 2008

Writing to Event log with ASP.Net and Enterprise Library

I recently had a problem writing to the event log from my application.  I had configured the application to use the Logging Application Block from the 3.1 version of the Microsoft Enterprise Library and followed the walk-through in the documentation to log exceptions to the Application Log, but nothing was appearing.

I had amended the code so that it always through an exception on clicking a test button, and stepping through the code, I could see that Log.Write was being called and no error was raised from this call.

A quick search on Google suggested that this was a permissions issue for the ASP.Net account, so I added the following key:

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\<my app name>

I granted full control to the ASPNET account to this key and amended the source property of my trace listener to <my app name> using the Enterprise Library Configuration Manager.

I now get events recorded in the Application log and their source is set to <my app name> so it is easy to filter them for the events I want.

1 comment:

elLoco said...

You better use this .NET code snippet

EventLog.CreateEventSource("SCDService", "");

as without you get ugly headers in your eventlog entry like Error ID (100) not found in DLL....